Moses' brother; Israel's first high priest from priestly tribe of Levi; brother of Miriam. See Exodus 6:16-26. Initiated sacrificial system (Leviticus 1-7). Husband of Elisheba; father of: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. 

First, two died when they offered sacrifices with fire that God had not commanded (Leviticus 10:1-2; 16:1-2). 

Second, two developed priestly lines: 

(1) Ithamar through Eli to Abiathar and,(2) Eleazar to Zadok (1 Samuel 14:3; 22:20; 1 Kings 2:26-27; 1 Chronicles 6:50-53). Aaron started Israel's formal priesthood (Exodus 28–29; Leviticus 8–9), offered sacrifices for his own sins (Leviticus 16:11) and then for others; served as a symbol or type of the perfect priest (Psalms 110:4, where future king was described as eternal priest; compare Zechariah 6:11-15). 

Aaron spoke for Moses before Pharaoh and stretched out Moses' staff to bring God's plagues on the land (Exodus 7:9,19). He and Hur helped Moses hold up the staff, the symbol of God's power, so Israel would defeat Amalek (Exodus 17:12). At Sinai, Aaron and his two older sons, Nadab and Abihu, went up mountain with Moses and 70 elders to make the covenant (Exodus 24:9). 

As Moses delayed on the mountain, the people asked Aaron to "make us gods" (Exodus 32:1). Aaron made a calf and apparently led in its worship. 

In Numbers 12 he and Miriam spoke against Moses' marriage to the Cushite (Ethiopian) woman and jealously murmured against God's selection.

Aaron confessed his sin and pleaded for mercy for Miriam. When Korah, Dathan, and Abiram opposed Moses and Aaron, Aaron's intercession stopped the plague (Numbers 16). Later, God vindicated Aaron's leadership (Numbers 17). 

At Kadesh, Aaron joined in Moses' sin as they seized God's power for themselves (Numbers 20:7-13).Thus Aaron, like Moses, was not allowed to enter the Promised Land. 

On Mt. Hor, Aaron died at age 123 (Numbers 20:23-28).


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