The man who fell and rose again


And [Peter] said to [Jesus], “Lord, I am ready to go with You, both to prison and to death.” 

LUKE 22:33 


Most notable quality: Leadership 

Most notable accomplishment: First to preach gospel sermons to both Jews and Gentiles. 

Date lived: A.D. 5 to A.D. 65 

Name: Hebrew name is Simon; Greek name is Peter, which means “rock” 

Major texts: Gospels; Acts 1–11 


Bare Bones Background 

In all the biblical accounts of the calling and training of Jesus’ disciples, the lists and order of the names of the 12 

men are almost identical. In all four Gospels, the first name in these lists is always Peter. From the day that Peter met Jesus, he was singled out by Jesus to be a “rock” of strength for the others. He was a natural-born leader and quickly became the spokesman for the whole group. Yet with all his self-confidence and boldness, Peter was teachable. With each rebuke from the Lord for something he says or does, he is teachable and open to correction. The true secret to his greatness as a spiritual leader can be seen in his own growth as he remains sensitive to the leading of his Lord. This is his desire for us as he writes and encourages us to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). 


Quick Sketch 

Simon is the son of Jonah, and a native of Bethsaida in Galilee. He, along with his brother, Andrew, are early disciples of John the Baptist. Andrew is the first to meet Jesus and then brings his brother, Peter, to meet Him. In predictive fashion, Jesus changes Simon’s name to Cephas, which, in the local dialect, means “rock,” while in the Greek, Cephas is translated “Peter.” Peter’s meeting with Jesus does not result in any immediate change in Peter’s external behavior. He returns to Galilee and continues his fishing business. Later he is called by Jesus to become one of the 12 disciples. 

It is only after Peter’s denial of Jesus and his restoration by Jesus that Peter’s fiery disposition is redirected as a “rock” to the rest of the disciples. He is now ready to be a true spiritual leader. After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension and the arrival of the Holy Spirit, Peter becomes a key leader and a chief spokesman for the newly forming church in Jerusalem. He ministers to the Jewish community in and around Jerusalem for many years. 

Later in life, Peter seems to have traveled and ministered to the scattered Jewish communities as well as Gentiles in Asia minor, because his first letter, 1 Peter, is addressed to the believers residing in several provinces of this area. Peter probably arrives in Rome in the late 50s or early 60s A.D. His two letters are written in Rome during the middle 60s with Silas, Paul’s missionary traveling companion, and John Mark at his side. Paul is imprisoned in Rome during this time. Peter and Paul are both martyred about the same time by Nero in A.D. 67–68. Tradition states that Peter’s death was by crucifixion. 

Peter’s prominence in the formative years of Christianity makes him one of the most significant men of the New Testament. 


The Big Picture 


Peter the fisherman 

Peter begins his life as a fisherman at Bethsaida, a city near the Sea of Galilee. He and his brother Andrew go into partnership with James and John. All four will later become disciples of Jesus. Their business prospers, allowing them to have social connections with the high priest in Jerusalem. Peter is older than the others and becomes the acknowledged leader of their fishing enterprise. He is married (Mark 1:29–31) and later, when he becomes a missionary, his wife accompanies him on his travels (1 Corinthians 9:5). It is while Peter and his other partners are about the business of fishing that Jesus calls them to “follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). 


Peter the disciple 

The close association of Peter, Andrew, James, and John continues as together they are called by Jesus to be His disciples, along with eight others. They will live with Him, and learn by listening to His teaching. 

Several events in Peter’s life as a disciple reveal much of his impetuous nature: 

Peter’s walk on water—One night in a storm on the Sea of Galilee, Peter’s impulsiveness leads him to try to walk on water in order to be near Jesus. He succeeds…until he takes his eyes off Jesus and begins to sink (Matthew 14:28–31). 

Peter’s confession—When Jesus asks the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter promptly replies, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16). Jesus then says that He would build His church on the “rock” of Peter’s solid statement of truth concerning the divinity and authority of Jesus (Matthew 16:18). 

Peter’s overconfidence—On the night of the Last Supper, Jesus declares that one of the disciples will betray Him. Peter in his usual fleshly and overconfident manner, promptly declares that under no circumstance would he ever deny Jesus. Jesus then predicts that before the morning light, Peter would deny Him three times. 


Peter the preacher 

After Jesus’ resurrection, Peter preaches to a large crowd of Jews gathered in the temple area for one of the major Jewish holidays. Thousands of Jews come to believe in Jesus, and the church is born. Peter preaches a second sermon later, and more thousands believe. The message spreads to Samaria, and Peter and John are sent by the Jerusalem church to confirm the response and witness the coming of the Spirit upon the Samaritans as well. Peter is also the first to present the gospel to Gentiles, or non-Jews (Acts 10–11). 


Peter the missionary 

Initially, Peter’s ministry focuses on the Jewish communities in and around Jerusalem. Later he travels to other places and shares Christ with Jews who are scattered throughout the Roman Empire. At some point Mark joins Peter and writes his Gospel. 


The Portrait 

A study of the life and character of Peter reveals many noble qualities. His enthusiasm and boldness are traits every Christian should desire. But some of Jesus’ sharpest rebukes were aimed at Peter’s misdirected enthusiasm. Peter’s intense devotion and commitment to Jesus was demonstrated by his willingness to walk on the stormy waters of the Sea of Galilee to be near Jesus and his fearless use of his sword to protect Jesus. But Peter is just as weak as he is bold—as seen in his denial of Jesus before a lowly servant girl, or in his flight from Jesus at His crucifixion. Peter’s positive traits of boldness and devotion are inspiring and worthy of emulation. His negative traits—his thoughtless outbursts, his brashness, and his misdirected enthusiasm—should be a warning for us to avoid such behavior. Overall, Peter stands out as a stellar example of allegiance to our Lord and fruitful ministry for Him. 


Life Lessons from Peter 

Failure does not disqualify you from serving Jesus. Jesus predicted Peter’s failure, then later said, “When you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren” (Luke 22:32). After each of his failures, Peter always returned with a desire to continue to follow Christ. Jesus knows that no one is perfect—fail-ure is inherent in our humanness. Just as Jesus was ready to forgive and reinstate Peter for usefulness, He is ready to do the same for you. Whatever spiritual failure you are presently experiencing, is an opportunity for you to experience the grace of God. It is better to be a follower who sometimes fails than one who fails to follow. 


Spiritual warfare should not be taken lightly. When Jesus warned of coming persecution, Peter was quick to assert he would remain faithful to Jesus. In his overconfidence he believed he could remain strong even when Satan applied spiritual pressure on him. Jesus knew Peter couldn’t remain faithful on his own, and predicted Peter’s restoration (Luke 22:32). 

Peter’s fall is a reminder that no one is immune to temptations or failure. None of us can stand in our own strength. Jesus said, “Without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5), which includes withstanding temptation. Always be ready with “the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day” (Ephesians 6:13). 


Evangelism is simply introducing people to the Savior and letting Him do the rest. Peter’s brother Andrew doesn’t stand out as a giant in church history. Andrew’s major accomplishment was bringing Peter to Christ and allowing Jesus to transform Peter into one of the great spiritual leaders of the early church. 

You may think you don’t have much to offer your Savior, but one very important thing you can do is introduce your family, friends, and workmates to Jesus and allow His Spirit to do the rest. Some of the greatest contributors to the cause of Christ down through the centuries have been those who simply introduced someone else to the Savior. 


The Contents and Results of Peter’s First Sermon 

  • Jesus is a real person (Acts 2:22) 
  • Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead (verses 23–24) 
  • His death and resurrection were predicted in the Bible (verses 25–35) 
  • Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah (verse 36) 
  • Repent and be baptized (verses 37–38) 
  • Three thousand believed and were baptized (verse 41)



The Greek form of the Aramaic surname, Cephas. Peter was the brother of Andrew and the son of Jona, or Johanan (Matthew 4:18; John 1:40; I Corinthians 1:12).

The Man Who Fell but Rose Again 

Peter is another of those outstanding characters in the Bible gallery of men, requiring a book all his own to fully expound his life and labors. From the many references to this reed transformed into a rock, we gather these facts and features of “The 

Big Fisherman.” 

He was a fisherman of Bethsaida, a name meaning “the house of fish.” Afterwards he resided in Capernaum, where Jesus frequently lodged during His Galilean ministry. His father was Jona, or Jonah, and Andrew was his brother. Both sons were fishermen on the Lake of Galilee and were evidently in partnership with Zebedee and his sons. 

He first met Christ at Bethany beyond Jordan, where John the Baptist exercised his ministry. Both Peter and Andrew were disciples of the Baptist. It was Andrew who introduced Peter to Christ. 

He received a triple call as friend, disciple and apostle. Through daily contact with Jesus, seeing and hearing His words and works, Peter’s character was deepened and strengthened. 

He was a man with many facets of character. His life can be approached from many angles. He was naturally impulsive (Matthew 14:28; 17:4; John 21:7); tenderhearted and affectionate (Matthew 26:75; John 13:9; 21:15–17); gifted with spiritual insight (John 6:68), yet sometimes slow to apprehend deeper truths (Matthew 15:15, 16); courageous in his confession of faith in Christ, yet guilty of a most cowardly denial (Matthew 16:16; John 6:69; Mark 14:67–71); self-sacrificing yet inclined towards self-seeking (Matthew 19:27), and presumption (Matthew 16:22; John 13:8; 18:10); immovable in his convictions (Acts 4:19, 20; 5:28, 29,40, 42). 

He became the leader and spokesman of the Apostolic Twelve and of the three privileged to witness the raising of Jairus’ daughter, the Transfiguration, our Lord’s agony in the Garden. He himself became a miracle worker, especially during the time portrayed in Acts.

He made a confession of Christ’s deity which became the foundation of the Church, and was appointed steward with authority of the keys, meaning that his was to be the privilege of opening the door of salvation to the Jews. 

He miserably failed his Lord in an hour of crisis, being the only disciple to deny Christ, yet he was restored and recommissioned by Jesus after His resurrection. He became the dauntless leader of the infant Church and was foremost to protest his loyalty to Christ.

After Pentecost, Peter’s ministry appears in four stages: 

I. Jerusalem activities, 29–35 A.D., when James eventually succeeded to leadership of the Church. 

II. Palestinean mission, 35–44 A.D., during which he remained for a while at Lydda and Joppa. He received a call to Caesarea, and in the house of Cornelius opened the door of privilege to the Gentiles. 

III. Syrian mission with Antioch as a center, 44–61 A.D., during which he was accompanied by his wife, who became the pioneer Zenana missionary. 

IV. Rome, 61 A.D. It would seem as if Peter reached here before Paul’s release from his first imprisonment, and a few years later suffered martyrdom by crucifixion, as Christ prophesied he would. Legend has it that Peter deemed himself unworthy to die in exactly the same way as his Lord had, and so begged his crucifiers to crucify him upside down.



Matthew; Principle #6; Matthew 4:18-22

DEDICATED DISCIPLESHIP: To follow the Lord Jesus Christ, we must faithfully apply His teachings.

Matthew; Principle #21; Matthew 8:1-17

PHYSICAL HEALING: Though we are to pray for physical healing, we must differentiate between spiritual healing for salvation and physical healing for the body.

Matthew; Principle #26; Matthew 9:37-10:15

EQUIPPING LEADERS: To carry out the Great Commission effectively, spiritual leaders must equip others to assist them who in turn will multiply this process in the lives of others.

Matthew; Principle #37; Matthew 14:22-33

EQUIPPING LEADERS: In preparing others for significant ministry roles, attention should be focused on key leaders who have the potential to emulate primary leaders.

Matthew; Principle #38; Matthew 15:1-20

TRUE SPIRITUALITY: To avoid actions that are merely external and hypocritical, we must allow God's Spirit to penetrate our hearts with biblical truth.

Matthew; Principle #41; Matthew 16:13-23

SATANIC INFLUENCES: Even if our belief in Christ's deity is accurate, we are still to be on guard against Satan's efforts to influence our thinking and actions.

Matthew; Principle #42; Matthew 16:24-17:13

SERVING FAITHFULLY: Even though we may have unanswered questions, we should serve Jesus Christ faithfully until He comes again.

Matthew; Principle #43; Matthew 17:14-18:35

LIFE LESSONS: To be prepared for ministry, all believers should have a time of preparation that involves both specific content and practical experience.

Matthew; Principle #45; Matthew 19:16-26

BIBLICAL PRIORITIES: We are never to allow material possessions to keep us from making God and His will a priority in our lives.

Matthew; Principle #46; Matthew 19:27-20:16

FAITH AND WORKS: To understand and present the gospel correctly, we must distinguish between the gift of salvation and rewards for faithful service.

Matthew; Principle #55; Matthew 26:31-75

OUR GREAT HIGH PRIEST: Without justifying our failures, we are to be reassured that we have a great high priest who understands our humanness.


Mark; Principle #2; Mark 1:21-39

RENEWING OUR STRENGTH: To renew our strength physically, psychologically, and spiritually, we must plan times to be alone with God.

Mark; Principle #4; Mark 3:13-19

TRANSFORMATION: We should allow the Holy Spirit to transform our negative tendencies into positive qualities that God can use to accomplish His purposes in this world.

Mark; Principle #10; Mark 5:21-6:13

EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING: To be equipped adequately to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, we need to learn from experience.

Mark; Principle #15; Mark 8:27-38

PURE MOTIVES: Even though we may be dedicated Christians, we must make sure our motives are to honor God and not ourselves.

Mark; Principle #16; Mark 9:1-10

CHRIST'S AUTHORITY: In a world that is permeated with many religious and philosophical messages, we must discern truth from error by listening carefully to the words of Jesus Christ.

Mark; Principle #20; Mark 10:17-31

MATERIAL POSSESSIONS: If we are blessed with wealth, we must realize that money will never enable us to inherit eternal life.

Mark; Principle #22; Mark 11:12-21

BEARING FRUIT: We are to do all we can to develop churches that manifest the fruit of the Spirit.

Mark; Principle #23; Mark 11:22-26

BECOMING A HEALTHY CHURCH: To become the church God intends us to be, we must develop our faith, be devoted to prayer, and live in harmony with one another.

Mark; Principle #25; Mark 13:1-37

ALERTNESS WITHOUT SPECIFICITY: Though God wants us always to be ready for Christ's coming to remove the church from this earth, we are not to set specific dates.

Mark; Principle #26; Mark 14:27-42

SPIRITUAL TESTS: There are times in our lives when we should expect to face spiritual tests that may be painful and even embarrassing.


Luke; Principle #11; Luke 5:1-11

OVERCOMING FEAR: We must not allow fear to keep us from obeying Christ's call on our lives to live in His will.

Luke; Principle #13; Luke 6:12-16

LEADERSHIP APPOINTMENTS: When it comes to selecting and appointing key spiritual leaders, significant time should be devoted to prayer.

Luke; Principle #16; Luke 9:28-36

SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES: In our human weaknesses--even as Christians--we must discipline ourselves to think clearly and to respond biblically.

Luke; Principle #28; Luke 12:35-48

FAITHFUL LEADERSHIP: All spiritual leaders are to be faithful in carrying out their managing and shepherding responsibilities.

Luke; Principle #46; Luke 22:7-20

THE LORD'S SUPPER: As we remember the death of the Lord Jesus Christ, we are to use the freedom God has given us to make this a meaningful memorial experience in our particular cultural situation.

Luke; Principle #48; Luke 22:28-34

SATANIC ATTACKS: No matter how significant our position in the church, we are to be on guard against Satan's efforts to destroy us.


John; Principle #3; John 1:29-51

SEEKING THE TRUTH: Even though we may be in the process of discovering who Jesus really is, we should invite others to join us in this exciting adventure.

John; Principle #14; John 6:14-71

PURE MOTIVES: When we put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we must make sure our primary motives are spiritual rather than material.

John; Principle #27; John 13:1-17

A SERVANT'S HEART: No matter our role in the church of Jesus Christ, we are always to serve one another in love.

John; Principle #28; John 13:18-35

MODELING LOVE: To carry out the Great Commission effectively, we are first of all to demonstrate to the world the character of true disciples of Jesus Christ.

John; Principle #40; John 21:15-19

THE GREATEST COMMAND: We should not be surprised if the Lord at times tests the extent of our love for Him.


Acts; Principle #1; Acts 1:1-11

WAITING AND WORKING: Though we should always be prepared for Christ's return, we are to focus on being His witnesses in this world.

Acts; Principle #2; Acts 1:12-26

SELECTING SPIRITUAL LEADERS: Spiritual qualifications that reflect godly character are to be used when appointing spiritual leaders.

Acts; Principle #3; Acts 2:1-13

MIRACULOUS EVENTS: To accurately understand God's unfolding revelation throughout biblical history, we are to consider carefully God's miraculous plan for verifying His message.

Acts; Principle #4; Acts 2:14-40

NORMATIVE VERSUS UNIQUE EXPERIENCES: When interpreting Scripture, we should distinguish between normative experiences for all Christians and unique experiences for believers in the early church.

Acts; Principle #5; Acts 2:41-47

THREE VITAL EXPERIENCES: To become mature in Jesus Christ, as a local church we are to engage in three normative functions.

Acts; Principle #6; Acts 3:1-4:12

HONORING GOD: When God uses us to minister to others, we are always to give glory and honor to Jesus Christ.

Acts; Principle #7; Acts 4:13-22

OPENNESS AND HONESTY: Spiritual leaders must never suppress the truth in order to protect their own religious domain.

Acts; Principle #8; Acts 4:32-37

GENEROSITY: As followers of Jesus Christ, we are to be godly models of generosity.

Acts; Principle #9; Acts 5:1-11

HONESTY AND INTEGRITY: When we give material possessions to support God's work, we are to do so with pure motives.

Acts; Principle #10; Acts 5:12-32

OUR DUAL CITIZENSHIP: As followers of Jesus Christ, we are to be good citizens, but if we are asked to engage in actions that are out of harmony with God's will, we must not violate biblical principles.

Acts; Principle #11; Acts 5:33-42

RESENTMENT AND PERSECUTION: Regardless of our efforts to respect government authorities, when we practice Christian values in a hostile environment, we should be prepared for persecution.

Acts; Principle #14; Acts 8:1-8

PURPOSE IN PERSECUTION: Though persecution is always painful, we should ask God to use our experiences to bring others to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Acts; Principle #15; Acts 8:9-25

AUTHENTIC CONVERSION: Though people can only respond to the gospel with sincerity when the Holy Spirit opens their hearts, we should do all we can to help them respond with pure motives.

Acts; Principle #16; Acts 8:26-40

BIBLICAL EVIDENCE: To help people achieve saving faith in Jesus Christ, we should help them understand from Scripture what God says about this experience.

Acts; Principle #17; Acts 9:1-19

GOD'S MERCY AND GRACE: Though our conversion experiences vary greatly, all Christians are to praise and thank God continually for His saving grace.

Acts; Principle #18; Acts 9:19-31

LOVE AND COMPASSION: As those who are saved by grace, we should always be ready to demonstrate God's mercy by extending grace to others.

Acts; Principle #19; Acts 9:32-10:48

THE SIN OF PREJUDICE: We should sincerely ask God to help us evaluate our attitudes and actions in order to make sure we are free from any form of prejudice.

Acts; Principle #20; Acts 11:1-18

ADDRESSING PREJUDICE: We should never hesitate to share our concerns regarding prejudice.

Acts; Principle #21; Acts 11:19-26

BEING AN ENCOURAGER: When people put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we should respond enthusiastically with words of encouragement.

Acts; Principle #22; Acts 11:27-30

RECIPROCAL GENEROSITY: We should look for opportunities to minister to those who have ministered to us, both spiritually and materially.

Acts; Principle #23; Acts 12:1-25

OUR SOVEREIGN GOD: When events happen that are difficult to accept and understand, we must remember that God is sovereign and ultimately in control of our lives.

Acts; Principle #28; Acts 15:1-35

MAINTAINING SOUND DOCTRINE: When any community of faith encounters false teachings, the spiritual leaders should make every effort to clarify biblical truth.

Acts; Principle #29; Acts 15:36-41

BALANCED CONVICTIONS: Though we are to have strong biblical convictions, we should attempt to keep these values in proper balance.

Acts; Principle #30; Acts 16:1-5

A GOOD REPUTATION: When we are selecting spiritual leaders, we should look for individuals whom people trust.

Acts; Principle #31; Acts 16:6-34

UNITY WITH DIVERSITY: Regardless of our diverse backgrounds, we are to become a unified family of believers.

Acts; Principle #32; Acts 17:1-12

CULTURAL ADAPTATION: To present the gospel adequately, we must use the Scriptures as our final authority while adapting our methodology to various cultural situations.

Acts; Principle #33; Acts 17:16-34

CONCERN AND COMPASSION: As Christ-followers who are living in a world contaminated by idolatrous activities, we must never lose our sense of grief and compassion.

Acts; Principle #34; Acts 18:1-28

SERVING TOGETHER: Spiritual leaders should encourage husband and wife teams to look for unique ministry opportunities.

Acts; Principle #35; Acts 19:8-10

IN-DEPTH EVANGELISM: In developing a church-planting strategy, we should help people understand the redemptive message as it unfolds in the total biblical story.

Acts; Principle #36; Acts 19:11-41

PAGAN RESENTMENT: When the gospel of Jesus Christ penetrates a community dominated by evil, Christians should expect persecution.

Acts; Principle #37; Acts 20:1-6

A SUPPORTIVE TEAM: To serve God effectively, we should develop a supportive team.

Acts; Principle #38; Acts 20:7-12

THE COMMUNION EXPERIENCE: When we gather together to worship God and to encourage one another, we should plan times to remember Christ's suffering on the cross.

Acts; Principle #39; Acts 20:17-38

RELATIONSHIPS WITH ONE ANOTHER: Spiritual leaders are to develop deep, lasting, and loyal relationships with one another.

Acts; Principle #40; Acts 21:10-14

GOD'S WILL: As Christ-followers, we are to be committed to living in God's will regardless of our circumstances.

Acts; Principle #41; Acts 21:26-22:22

POTENTIAL PERSECUTION: When ministering in cultural situations where people may be resistant to the gospel, we should be prepared to identify with Christ's sufferings.


Galatians; Principle #2; Galatians 1:10-2:10

MESSAGES FROM GOD: If we think God has spoken to us directly, we must always verify our experiences by consulting the Scriptures and other mature Christian leaders.

Galatians; Principle #3; Galatians 2:11-16

DOCTRINAL COMPROMISE: Even prominent and sincere Christian leaders must be on guard against compromising the message of salvation because of social pressure.

Galatians; Principle #4; Galatians 2:17-3:9

THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT: To communicate the gospel comprehensively, we must understand God's unconditional promise to Abraham.


1 Peter; Principle #1; 1 Peter 1:1-2

IDENTITY IN CHRIST: As Christ-followers, we are to discover our true identity in God's eternal family rather than in our earthly associations and relationships.


2 Peter; Principle #1; 2 Peter 1:1-7

LIFE AND GODLINESS: Drawing on God's power, we are to do all we can to become mature followers of Jesus Christ.

2 Peter; Principle #2; 2 Peter 1:8-15

GOD'S STANDARD OF RIGHTEOUSNESS: To continue to mature in our Christian lives, we are to measure our progress regularly with God's standard of righteousness.



MATTHEW 4:18-22

MATTHEW 8:14-15

MATTHEW 10:1-4

MATTHEW 14:22-33

MATTHEW 15:1-20

MATTHEW 16:13-23

MATTHEW 17:1-4,24-27

MATTHEW 18:21-35

MATTHEW 19:23-30

MATTHEW 26:31-46,57-75

MARK 1:29-31

MARK 3:13-19

MARK 5:21-43

MARK 8:27-33

MARK 9:2-13

MARK 10:23-31

MARK 11:20-24

MARK 13:3-13

MARK 14:27-42,53-72

MARK 16:1-8

LUKE 4:38-39

LUKE 5:1-11

LUKE 6:12-16

LUKE 8:40-56

LUKE 9:18-20,28-36

LUKE 12:35-48

LUKE 18:24-30

LUKE 22:7-13,31-34

LUKE 24:1-12

JOHN 7:35-42

JOHN 6:60-70


JOHN 18:1-27

JOHN 20:1-10


ACTS 1-5

ACTS 8-12

ACTS 15:1-21



1 PETER 1:1-2

2 PETER 1:1-15
